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Week beginning 17/05/21

This week we are continuing looking at different units of measurement. So far we have looked at height, length and weight.

This week we will be measuring the capacity of objects.


Monday 17th May

Today we are going to begin to look at the capacity and volume of objects. Do you know what capacity means? You can look on the PPT below to find out!


Have a look around your home for different containers you can use to fill up. You can use cups, bowls, spoons, trays etc. Have a go at filling the containers to find out their capacity. You can use water, sand, beads etc to do this! Can you fill them up so they are full, nearly full, half full, half empty, nearly empty and empty?


Look at all of your containers. Which one holds the most? Which one holds the least?


Tuesday 18th May


Today we can begin to measure the capacity of containers using cups! 


Using the containers we began to investigate yesterday, use a small container (cup, spoon etc) to fill up the container. Count how many cups you have used to fill up each container.


You could estimate how many cups you think you will use first before measuring. 


Share your findings with us on dojo by sending us pictures or videos!


Wednesday 19th May


Today we are going to be using specific vocabulary to discuss the capacity of objects. Can you remember what capacity means?


What words do you think we can use to describe the capacity of a container?


Use the capacity cards to find out the words we will be using today. Can you show these capacities yourself using your containers?


Once you have shown these capacities yourself, have a look at the sorting capacities worksheet. Can you sort the pictures to their capacity?

Thursday 20th May


Today we will be comparing the capacity of different containers using the words more than and less than.


Have a look through the PPT below and discuss the capacities of the containers using the words more than or less than.


Have a go at comparing the containers from the work sheets below. You can choose one that you feel is suitable for your child.

Or you could have a go at comparing the containers practically by filling up 2 containers and asking your child to verbally compare them.
