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Week beginning 21.6.21

Can you remember what recycling is? Can you remember what materials can be recycled? What does it mean when something can be recycled?


How can we reduce, reuse and recycle different materials?


Today in class we will be going on a litter walk. We will be collect and picking up litter in our community. You could do this too, or you could see if there are any objects around your house that can be reused or recycled!


Was there a lot of litter on the floor? Were there any objects that you found that could be reused? Where could the litter be put to make the environment cleaner and safer? Could a lot of these things have been recycled?


How can we remind people in the community to put their rubbish in the bin/recycle it?


Make a poster to be put up around the school to remind the community to recycle. Have a look at these pictures for inspiration.
