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Week beginning 3/05/21

This week we will be reading the story of Tiddalik. Tiddalik was a frog who only cared about himself. He was always very hungry and thirsty and liked to gobble up all the flies before the other frogs had a chance. It was the hottest time of year: the land was dry and all the animals were very thirsty. Kookaburra and the birds were just about to drink when Tiddalik opened his enormous mouth and drank up all the water in the stream.



Task 1 Use the personal pronoun ‘I’

Imagine you are one of the animals. Think about how you would feel if you saw Tiddalik drink all the water and leave none for you or your friends. 

Today you are going to pretend to be the snake in the story.

Think of some words that describe how the snake might be feeling these are going to be our wow words

upset, devastated, annoyed, shocked, angry, selfish, awful.

Today we are going to write using the personal pronoun I because we are going to be speaking as that character. What might he be thinking write some examples with your child to support them first and then ask your child to write sentences using ‘I’ describing how they feel.

Example: I could not believe my eyes. Tiddalik had drunk all of the water. There is nothing left and the river is dry.  What will we do?

Task 2 Identify different types of sentences

Discuss with your child the different types of sentences; statement, command, exclamation, and question. Look at the PP to help your child understand what each of these are. Read some examples for your child to think about. Ask them to decide what each sentence is each one is.

Can your child give verbal examples of each of these? Support your child to complete the tasks on the worksheet ticking the correct sentences.

Check the sentences types have the correct punctuation. Correct the spellings.

Can you write your own question and command sentences?

Task 3 Write a letter

Watch the story of Tiddalik on BBC bitesize


Discuss what happens at the end of the story.

Remind your child that Tiddalick realised that he was being greedy and promised never to be greedy again. Today Tiddalik is going to write to one of the animals to say sorry for what he did. Talk about what Tiddalik should say to his friend. Should he explain why he did it? Should he explain that he understands how the animals felt and why they felt that way? Share some ideas with your child. Ask your child how we start a letter? Remind them that we use, Dear. What shall we say next? Support your child with writing a letter from Tiddalick to his friends to tell him how sorry he feels. 

