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Week commencing 28/06/21

This week in science week we have been learning about electrical energy!

Can you remember where electricity comes from and what we use it for? 


Do you think electricity as always been around us? In our homes? In the shops? On the streets? In our classroom? What do you think life was be like before electricity?

Have a look around your home. What devices do you use every day that need electricity?


Today we will be looking at homes from the Victorian times. Many homes during this time did not use electricity. Have a look through the powerpoint to find out how their homes differ to ours. Look at the pictures and see if you can spot any devices that use electricity. Also have a think about your home. What other devices do you have in each room that require electricity? 

Have a look at these pictures of devices from a Victorian and a modern kitchen. Can you sort the device to the kitchen it belongs to?


Think about whether the device needs electricity to work to help you!

Now, we know how useful electricity is. But we have already learnt this term that electricity can also cause damage to our beautiful world! Have a look at the poster below to find our ways you can reduce your energy use to help save our world!
