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Week beginning 14.6.21

This week we will be continuing to learn about the environment. We will focus on the Three R’s which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Monday: We are learning to write a definition

Introduce your child to the three 3R’s watch the video.

Remind your child of the Three R’s can they remember what they were. Discuss the first one.

REDUCE- What does if mean? Allow your child time to think and to share their ideas with you. Come up with a definition- Share write this together asking your child to help your form the sentences and spell the words.

REUSE- Ask your child what kind of things they could reuse, support them to think of new ideas- Share write a definition for this word in the same way as before.

RECYCLE- Discuss what recycling means, does your family recycle at home? What kind of things do they recycle? How is the recycling sorted? Share write a definition of recycling.

Watch the song and encourage your child to join in.


Ask you child to write the three R’s




And their definition next to each word


Tuesday: Today we are learning to create a class pledge

Remind your child of what it means to reduce. Have they got any ideas on how we can reduce our own waste? Is there a way we could help to stop wasting electricity? Can you think of ways to stop wasting water? Or food?

Write these ideas on a piece of paper.

Read through the reduce PDF to find other ideas.

Does your child think that it is a good idea to do these things to make a better world?

Explain that today we are going to write our own pledge to help the environment. Discuss that a pledge is a promise. How can we start our pledge?

I promise to.......

Ask your child to create their own pledge to reduce waste can they include extra detail such as ...after I have used it. I save energy. that I do not waste food

....before I buy it

Wednesday: We are learning to use commands and questions

Have a range of objects for your child to view that would normally get thrown in the bin.


Select an item- ask, what is it? What is it normally used for? Now that it has been used for that purpose does that mean it is rubbish and cannot be used for anything else? Elicit ideas about what the item could now be used for. Reinforce that this is reusing.


Focus on the empty water bottle. Could this be used again? How? Share some ideas such as; fill it again to drink from. Use it to water the plants, store things inside.


Explain that not everybody knows what they can do with their empty bottles and that today it is our job to help them. We are going to encourage them to do this by using questions to make them think, commands so that they listen and our ideas so they know what they can do.


Remind your child of what a question is and how we punctuate these. Can you think of any questions that might get people to think about using their bottle such as; before you throw that bottle away can you use it again? Should you throw it in the bin? Are you sure you are finished with your bottle? Share these. Now discuss commands. Stop! Don’t throw that away! Use your bottle again! Share these too.


Ask your child to create their own posters using questions and commands to encourage people to reuse a water bottle. They can use the template provided to support them.

Thursday: Today we are learning to write rules for recycling using time connectives


Watch the short which uses time words to describes the child’s first recycling experience


Discuss what it means to recycle. Explain that when we recycle things it is important that we sort them into different materials, clean them and then put them into the correct recycling boxes. After we have done that they will be collected and taken to the recycling centre.


Explain that we are going to write some instructions for people to learn about how to recycle.


Read the instructions with your child- Have we missed anything?

Ask your child to help you find the time connectives in the writing.


Draw some visual clues to help them remember what we should do.


Ask your child to write their instructions ensuring that they have included time connectives correctly. If they need additional support with the task they may use the template.
