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Week commencing 22/2/21

This term in R.E we will be thinking about special things in nature. What aspects of the Natural World can we see around us and enjoy and how can we help to look after the Natural World?

As always we will begin with a lesson about personal experience before learning about Christian views as well as a religious focus will on Islam.


Lesson 1

Go through the PowerPoint to support the lesson. Think about our natural world and what that means. Talk about things in the Natural World which you can see on a daily basis… sun, rain, rainbows, birds, animals, trees, lakes, flowers. What would our world be like without these? Are these important to us and how do they help us? How can we make sure these things are always here?


Discuss ways in which we can all help to look after the Natural World. Help children to think about being responsible for looking after the world by; picking up litter, planting new bulbs and trees, walking more rather than using a car or bus, treating all living things with respect, eating more plant based foods, not wasting electricity and water.

After discussion, support your child to create a poster sharing ways in which we can look after our natural world. Add lots of drawings of our natural world to make your poster stand out.

