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Week Beginning 5/01/21

Tuesday 5th January 2021


Today’s task is to write a recount. We would like to know what you did during the Christmas break. This could be going for a walk somewhere; you could describe where you went, what you saw and what you heard along the way. Perhaps you want to describe what you did on Christmas day, did you open presents? Have something delicious for dinner? Video call a family member? 

When writing your recount please remember to use phonics to sound out words, leave finger spaces, start sentences with capital letters and end them with a full stop. When you have finished read your work back to make sure it makes sense.  We look forward to reading these.

Wednesday 6th January 2021


Read through the New Year information resource with your child to support them. Discuss the information and what a New Year Resolution is. Discuss with your child what they hope to do this year.

Your child can use the New Year template provided or a piece of paper to write about their goals and resolutions for the new year. Encourage your child to say their sentences out load before the write, ask them to sound out words using phonics, encourage them to think about where each of their sentences end and a new one begins, ask them to use full stops and capital letters in there writing.

Thursday 7th January 2021


Today’s tasks are reading and comprehension. The first sheet requires your child to read the sentences and show they have understood what they have read by drawing the information on the sheet. If they get stuck on a word encourage them to say each sound and blend them together to form words. They have learnt all of the sounds in these words but may need reminding of what they are. 

The second task requires your child to read the information and then answer the questions at the end of the text if they unable to ask them to reread the text to find the answers.

Friday 8th January 2021


We will be starting our new topic this term all about flight and space.

What do you already know about this? What would you like to find out more about? At the end of our topic we will look at our sheets again to compare what we knew at the start to what we know at the end. 

Complete the attached sheet or use a pen and paper to write down your answers. As always support your child to use their phonic knowledge and write in full sentences using full stops and capital letters.
