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Week commencing 1.3.21

Today we will continue to recreate Van Gogh ‘Sunflowers’.


Last week we recreated the piece using lines in the style of Van Gogh. Today we are going to have another go and this time we will add colour. Take a look at the colours that Van Gogh used. What do you notice? You should notice that there are only a few colours in this painting. There are lots of shades of yellow, orange and green. If you would like to practise colouring the same colours as Van Gogh use the ‘Sunflowers’ colouring sheet to do this first.


Now we are ready to have another go at drawing ‘Sunflowers’. What would you like to improve from your previous drawing? Perhaps the size or shape of the flowers? Perhaps you could add more detail this time? Remember practising is how we improve, repeating the task is a great way of getting even better and improving your skills.


After you have drawn your new picture compare it to your first one. Do you think you have improved? What is the same, what is different? Now you will add colour. Remember to use the same colours that are in Van Gogh’s painting. To get lighter shades press lightly with your pencils to create darker shades press down harder. Compare your two pictures now. Which do you prefer? Why?
