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Week beginning 12/4/21

Monday 12th April


Today we are finding one more and one less of numbers within 50. Use this game to support your place value within 50.


Use the video to support your learning. and then complete your worksheet.


Remember more means the number gets bigger and we jump forwards, and less means smaller and we jump backwards!

Tuesday 13th April


Today we are comparing groups of objects within 50. represent a number within 50 using Base 10 and discuss what the number the dienes represent,


Use the video to support your learning. and then complete your worksheet.

Wednesday 14th April


Following yesterday's lesson of comparing groups of objects within 50, we will now be comparing numbers within 50. Pick a number within 50 and find one more than and one less than that given number. 


Use the video to support your learning and then complete your worksheet.

Thursday 15th April


Today we are going to be ordering numbers within 50 from smallest to largest and largest to smallest.


Ordering number towers: 1- 50


Use the video to support your learning and then complete your worksheet.
