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Week beginning 24.05.21

This week we are learning to:

  • recap counting in 2's and 5's
  • count in 10's


Monday 24th May

Today we will be recapping counting in 2's

Can you remember which numbers we will say when counting in 2's? Are they odd or even? Use the splat square to remind you. You can splat the numbers as you count


Listen and join in with the song to count in 2's 


Below is a counting in 2's game board you can use to count in 2's. You will need the game board printed (or you could create your own!), counters and a dice. If you do not have a dice, you can use this virtual one


Here are the rules: 

  • take it in turns to roll the dice and move that many spaces. When you move, you must say the number that you have landed on.
  • If you land on a monster, you must count and say the missing number.
  • If you need help to name the number you have landed on, you can ask your partner for help but stay where you are.
  • The first to reach the end wins!

Tuesday 25th May


Today we will be recapping counting in 5's

Can you remember which numbers we will say when counting in 5's? Are they odd or even? Use the splat square to remind you. You can splat the numbers as you count


Listen and join in with the song to count in 5's


Below is a counting in 5's game board you can use to count in 5's. You will need the game board printed (or you could create your own!), counters and a dice. If you do not have a dice, you can use this virtual one


Here are the rules: 

  • take it in turns to roll the dice and move that many spaces. When you move, you must say the number that you have landed on.
  • If you land on a lily pad, you must count and say the missing number.
  • If you need help to name the number you have landed on, you can ask your partner for help but stay where you are.
  • The first to reach the end wins!

Wednesday 26th May


Today we will begin to learn how to count in 10s.


listen and join in with the song!


Use the splat square to find the numbers counting in 10s. Do you notice a pattern? What do all of the numbers end in? Are they odd or even?


Use the PPT below to practice counting the objects whilst counting in 10s. 


Use the splat square to help you count in 10s and answer the question on the challenge cards below. 

Thursday 27th May 


Yesterday we began counting in 10s and will be consolidating our learning today.


Listen to and join in with this song to count in 10s.!


Can you remember the pattern of the numbers counting in 10s? All of the numbers end in 0 and they do not have any ones!


Your first task is to count and order the numbers counting in 10s to 100! Cat you count forwards and backwards?

Then, have a go at counting the objects in the pictures. Make sure you are counting in 10s!
